Why for suxess
Because your success is also ours.
In view of the shortage of skilled labour, companies are investing large sums in employer branding, personnel marketing and recruiting. However, inflexible content management and applicant management systems, rigid templates or simply outdated technologies often prevent recruiting success. Our motivation is to change this:
for suxess helps employers to recruit more successfully in the long term – with the help of modern job adverts, corporate job boards, career websites and recruiting landing pages.
We are anti-bullshit and pro-customer, we make recruiting technology understandable for HR managers and develop solutions that are neither oversized nor undersized for your needs. Our job does not end with implementation. We have already proven this for many well-known SMEs and listed companies from many sectors.
We see ourselves as long-term companions and consultants to our customers and work together to set goals for mutual success.
Sigrid Diekow, CEO
Benefit from our co-operation.
Unser Team sorgt mit tiefgreifender Marktkenntnis, Technikwissen und einer Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe dafür, dass die Probleme unserer Kund:innen in agilen, kreativen und effektiven Prozessen dauerhaft gelöst werden. Mit diesem soliden Fundament schaffen wir eine nachhaltige Zufriedenheit unserer Kund:innen.
Both professionally and personally.
Up to 5 times
more applications
Fill vacancies
more quickly & accurately
Reduction of costs in the media budget & due to unfilled positions
Significant increase in the conversion rate of up to 17%
Optimisation of the candidate journey and perception of employer branding
Process optimisation through digitalisation and automation
Full service customer care through regular performance reviews and technical support
Our values
This is what we stand for.
We are independent and owner-managed. We are value-orientated and innovative. And we will continue to act independently in the future. This is precisely why we can fully identify with the challenges and goals of our customers.
All of this has helped us as a family business to achieve healthy and continuous growth and offers our customers solutions that are not only stylish today, but will also be relevant tomorrow.
Our team consists of HR specialists with market knowledge and technical expertise, who always communicate in a respectful manner and at eye level: These are the ingredients with which we solve our customers’ challenges in processes that are as agile as they are creative and effective.
Simply recruit better
We work with you to further develop your company's recruiting from the start of the project.
Measurable, binding and competent.Hans Peter Hoffmann, Head of sales
Start your Recruiting R.EVOLUTION today.
Development. Implementation. Consulting.
In view of the shortage of skilled labour, companies are investing large sums in employer branding, personnel marketing and recruiting. However, inflexible content management and applicant management systems, rigid templates or simply outdated technologies often prevent recruiting success. Our motivation is to change this:
for suxess helps employers to recruit more successfully in the long term – with the help of modern job adverts, corporate job boards, career websites and recruiting landing pages.
Have you become curious?
Then find out more about our technical solutions for your recruiting.
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Wir analysieren den Status quo Ihrer HR-Tech-Landschaft und entwickeln eine Handlungsempfehlung für Quick Wins sowie mittel- und langfristige Maßnahmen.